1-1! Iyama Yuta equalizes the score in desperate situation
On 7th February, the 2nd game of LG Cup final best of three finishes at the Nihon Ki-in. Iyama Yuta faces desperate situation for many times but finally he overcomes all pressure and defeats Xie Erhao by half point. The score between them is now 1-1.
In this game, Xie takes big advantage after a fight on the right top corner (here is the game record). But his slacken moves let Iyama seize some opportunities and reverse the game. However, Iyama also plays some bad moves in the fight of the middle game. After an exchange, Xie takes the top left corner and builds his advantage again. But Iyama shows his determination and kills the black group at the bottom. Until the end the game is really close. But Xie seems getting nervous, he tries to kill the white group on the right side, Iyama settles it down and keeps his advantage to the end. Finally, White wins this game by half point.
The decider will be played on 8th February.