Mexico City to host Korean Pro Player Tour
From the 10th to the 21st of November, Mexico City will host a series of events having as special guest Mr. Ryu Soohang 7 dan pro from the Korean Baduk Association.
On November 10th Mr. Soohang is taking part in the Pan American Baduk Championship organized by the Korean Cultural Center and after that he is participating in a teaching tour organized by the Mexican Go Association.Among his activities he will be teaching kids in Pipiolo and Serapio Rendon elementary schools where Go is part of the curriculum. Later on he will be giving simultaneous games at Mexico’s Autonomous National University Science Faculty, where the most talented Go players in Mexico have come from.
The next stop in the tour is a visit to the iconic Ekoji Temple Go Club where players gather every Saturday to practice. To finish this spectacular tour throughout Mexico’s go spots he will be giving lectures, playing simuls and reviewing championship games during the 5th Mexican Go Congress which will take place from November 17th to 19th. This last one is the biggest event in Mexico’s go scene.
You will be able to follow Mr. Soohang’s lectures during the Mexican Go Congress through Mexican Go Association’s youtube channel.
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