The 8th European Professional Qualification was held in Vienna on 10–16 February. It brought together the 12 strongest European amateurs who battled in a round-robin for the title of the tenth professional player certified by the EGF.
Benjamin Dréan-Guénaïzia 7d won nine games out of eleven and thus became the new European professional! Lukas Podpera 7d and Remi Campagnie 6d followed with eight wins each.
Benjamin won the European Championship in 2022. He will be awarded his 1-dan professional certificate at the European Go Congress in Warsaw this summer.
Below is a record of the game from round 10 between Benjamin and Lukas.
Report by Artem
8th European Professional Qualification
Black: Lukas Podpera 7d
White: Benjamin Drean-Guenaizia 7d